Challenge Modes


This PIC is super cool. No idea who made this tho, but its really cool.


Hi guys,

Written here is basically a transcript of what Hamlet, that awesome resto druid that uploaded his videos onto WoWhead for challenge mode guide for Warlords of Draenor.

I am working on it too, so if you’re interested in joining me,  (DK tank) Feel free to sign up!

  1. Skyreach
  2. Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (SMBG)
  3. Grimrail Depot
  4. Iron Docks
  5. Everbloom
  6. Bloodmaul Slag Mines (BMSM)
  7. Auchindon
  8. Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS)

These are currently a work in progress and I sincerely hope I can complete transcribing the guides before Saturday, 5th September.

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